Tag: trends


A complete guide to types of payment methods

As the landscape of online purchases continues to evolve, catering to the diverse preferences of online consumers becomes increasingly crucial for providing a satisfactory customer experience. The choice of payment methods varies significantly based on geographical locations, making it essential for businesses with global aspirations to understand and accommodate these preferences. Navigating the realm of […]

D2C | Beluga IT

Direct To Consumer (D2C)

Successful and distinctive eCommerce strategies In this article, we will delve into business models, specifically the Direct To Consumer (D2C) model. What is D2C? D2C is a business model where manufacturers or businesses sell their products and services directly to consumers, bypassing intermediaries like distributors, retail chains, or stores. What are its pros and cons? […]


Web Design Trends – 2023

What will be the new trends in web design and which old time-tested ones remain relevant? Stay up to date on our blog.


Some eCommerce trends to expect in 2021

What to expect from 2021, and what will be different in eCommerce?Here are 7 eCommerce trends for 2021.